Monday, July 7, 2014

APM Control board For Multi-rotors UAV

Ardupilot Mega 2.x for Multi-rotors UAV from DIY Drones

The ArduPilot Mega 2.x is a complete open source autopilot system, it allows the user to turn any MultiRotor capable of performing programmed GPS missions with waypoints.  The OS / Firmware for the APM 2.x for MultiRotor’s is Arducopter.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Gimbals of UAVS

UAV Gimbals
A gimbal is a pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a single axis. A set of three gimbals, one mounted on the other with orthogonal pivot axes, may be used to allow an object mounted on the innermost gimbal to remain independent of the rotation of its support.  For example, on a ship, the gyroscopes, shipboard compasses stoves, and even drink holders typically use gimbals to keep them upright with respect to the horizon despite the ship's pitching and rolling.

Gimbal contents from two main items:
Gimbal actuator:
The gimbal was first described by the Greek inventor Philo of Byzantium. Philo described an eight-sided ink pot with an opening on each side, which can be turned so that while any face is on top, a pen can be dipped and inked - yet the ink never runs out through the holes of the other sides. This was done by the suspension of the inkwell at the center, which was mounted on a series of concentric metal rings so that it remained stationary no matter which way the pot is turned.
Gimbal Controller:
it's an electronic board considered with intermediate between controller (man or autonomous) and Gimbal actuator.
Gimbal controller does this by burn a suitable code for controlling Gimbal actuator.

UAV uses Gimbal:
Gimbals are also used to mount everything from small camera lenses to large photographic telescopes.

Thus UAVs can use gimbal if it mount cam to ensure getting all angles of photography.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Quadcopter Mechanics

Quadcopter Mechanics

  Flight Mechanics 

   In order to learn how to control a quadcopter, you'll need to learn a bit about quadcopter mechanics - how quadcopters fly by adjusting rotor speeds. Quadcopters have different flight mechanics than conventional aircraft such as airplanes and helicopters. They are Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft similar to helicopters; however their attitude and flight mechanics are vastly different.

Control System of UAV

Control System of UAV 

There are two main types of UAV available that are suitable for surveying work. The first is a fixed wing model.
These compact, lightweight units are built for one-man survey operation, with a 1.6 meter wingspan and weighing only 2.7 kilograms. They are ideal for aerial mapping and terrain modeling larger areas, including mine sites and stockpiles, and undertaking topographic surveys.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Servo motor Selection for your uav

Servo motor Selection for your uav

for fixed wing uav and tricopter uav you have to use a servo motor to move the control surfaces, the selection of the suitable servo for your uav is depend on some parameters in this post we will discuss what is a servo motor and what are the selection parameters of the servo motor   

Friday, June 27, 2014

Why MultiRotors Uav?

Why MultiRotors Uav?
 Multirotors Uav have many benefits in the field of Security,farming, surveys, aerial photography and Rescue.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

power calculations of multirotors uav

Calculation of Multirotor UAV Required Power

to calculate the power required for an uav rotor craft or multirotor uav you have to define your flight conditions and design requirements
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